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Production Service - Film Greater Copenhagen

Production Service


Production Service Scandinavia

Slagtehusgade 20, 1st & 2nd Floor
1715 Copenhagen
Phone: +45 33 601 201
Mail: mail@productionservice.dk
Website: www.productionservice.dk


Copenhagen Production Service 

Lille Strandstræde 20C
1254 Copenhagen
Mail: contact@cphps.dk

Christian Ryge +45 2032 7943
Service producer / Partner

Henrik Berthelsen +45 2083 3820
Service producer / Partner


Marlow Film Productions

Niels Ebbesens Vej 24
1911 Frederiksberg
Website: www.marlowfilm.dk

Deborah Bayer Marlow +45 2065 7095
Service producer / Partner

Jacob Marlow +45 4031 6058
Service producer / Partner


Film Fixer Kim Norager

Kirketorvet 9
2820 Copenhagen
Website: www.filmfixercopenhagen.com

Kim Norager: +45 40458178
Owner / fixer