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Cast - Film Greater Copenhagen


This region is home to a fantastic group of experienced actors and talent, who have worked on high-profile national and international projects such as ‘The Bridge’, ‘The Hunt’, ‘Angels and Deamons’, ‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘Casino Royale’.

Find agents for Danish actors and actresses below.

All That Management

Nytorv 19, 4th floor
1450 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 33 12 15 57 / +45 26 16 91 11
Mail: mail@allthatmanagement.dk

Visit website here


Lindberg Management

Lavendelstræde 5-7, Baghuset 4th floor
1462 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 33 11 15 57
Mail: info@lindbergmanagement.com

Visit website here


Panorama Agency

Ryesgade 103B
2100 København Ø
Phone: +45 70 22 32 24
Mail: mail@panoramaagency.com

Visit website here


Team Players

Vognmagergade 10, 1st th
1120 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 20 68 39 20
Mail: info@teamplayers.dk

Visit website here